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Rychlé procvičování výběrem ze dvou možností.

Be, have, do
To be in present simple  
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To have in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be: questions  
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Present simple tense  
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Present tense: questions  
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Present tense: negatives  
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Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Present simple vs. present continuous: Animals
Present simple vs. present continuous: Sports
Talking about the present: mix
Talking about the present: Hobbies
Talking about the past
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives  
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Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past perfect  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. past continuous: Travel
Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Past simple vs. present perfect: Games
Past simple vs. present perfect: Sports
Present perfect: simple vs. continuous  
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Present perfect simple vs. continuous: Sports
Past simple vs. past perfect  
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Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Future tenses: continuous vs. perfect  
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Will vs. going to  
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Tenses: mix
Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (regural)  
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Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Nouns: countable, uncountable  
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Personal pronouns  
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Reflexive pronouns  
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Possessive pronouns  
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Pronouns: mix
Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Definite article  
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Zero article  
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Articles: mix
Few, less, little, much, many  
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Nouns: countable, uncountable  
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Some, any, no, every
Both, all, whole, every, each
Another, other, either, neither, each
This, that, these, those
Quantity: mix
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative  
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Adjectives: superlative  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adjectives: comparative and superlative mix
Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative  
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Adverbs: superlative  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adverbs: comparative and superlative mix
Adjective or adverb?
Position of adjectives  
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Position of adjectives: basics
Multiple adjectives
Position of adverbs in sentences  
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Adverbs with two forms
Too vs. enough  
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Adjectives and adverbs: mix
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time: in, on, at  
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Prepositions of time: advanced  
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Prepositions of time: mix
Prepositions of place  
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Prepositions of direction  
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Prepositions: other
Linking words
Prepositions and conjunctions: mix
Modal verbs
Modal verbs and infinitive
Modal verbs: present simple
Modal verbs: past simple
Can vs. could  
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Must, have to, can  
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Modal verbs: mix
Verb patterns
Gerund vs. infinitive  
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Infinitive clauses  
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Make vs. let  
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Have something done  
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Used to  
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Verb patterns: mix
Word formation
Word forms
Questions, question words, short answers
Wh- question
Question tags
Questions: mix
First conditional  
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Second and third conditional  
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Wish, unless, if only, if not  
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Conditionals: mix
Active vs passive  
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Stavba vět

Skládání slovíček do správného pořadí.

Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Picture description: children (do, have, be)
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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There is, there are  
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Picture description: there is, there are
Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Picture description: children (do, have, be)
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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Present simple tense  
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Present continuous  
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Picture description: children
Picture description: sports
Picture description: school
Picture description: people in nature
Picture description: city
Picture description: traveling
Present tense: questions  
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Questions about animals
Travelling questions
Present continuous tense: questions
Present tense: negatives  
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Present continuous tense: negatives
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Talking about the present: mix
Picture description: animals
Talking about the past
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past perfect  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Talking about the past: mix
Pictures from the past
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Will vs. going to  
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Nouns and pronouns
Reflexive pronouns  
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Articles and quantity
Another, other, either, neither, each
Adjectives and adverbs
Position of adverbs in sentences  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of place  
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Modal verbs
Can vs. could  
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Must, have to, can  
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Verb patterns
Infinitive clauses  
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Make vs. let  
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Have something done  
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Used to  
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Questions, question words, short answers
Wh- question
Question tags
Questions: mix
Questions about pictures
Conversation questions
Shopping questions
Restaurant questions
Facts about the world (questions)
Passive voice  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Reported speech

Slovíčka ve větách

Doplňování slovíček do vět.

Word formation
Word forms


Cvičení, ve kterém píšete odpověď na klávesnici.

Be, have, do
To be in present simple  
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Verb to be
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Open cloze: To have, to be
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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To be in past simple
Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Open cloze: To have, to be
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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Present simple tense  
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Present continuous  
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Present continuous: double consonant
Present tense: questions  
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Present tense: negatives  
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Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Talking about the present: mix
Talking about the past
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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To be in past simple
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Articles: mix
Few, less, little, much, many  
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Quantity: mix
Open cloze: quantifiers
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adjective or adverb?
Than vs. then
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time  
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Open cloze: prepositions of time
Prepositions of place  
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Prepositions and conjunctions: mix
Word formation
Word forms
Questions, question words, short answers
Simple questions
Questions with auxiliary verbs
Wh- question
Passive voice  
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Mixed practice
Open cloze
Thought, though, through, taught, tough

Doplňování textu

Do textu o rozsahu jednoho odstavce doplňujete na vybraná místa správnou variantu ze dvou možností.

Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Talking about the present
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Present simple tense  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Talking about the past
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past continuous tense  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Present perfect tense  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (regural)  
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Plural nouns (irregular)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Personal pronouns  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Articles: mix
Adjectives and adverbs
Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu

Poslech vět

Poslechnete si krátkou ukázku a úkolem je vyskládat větu z připravených slov.

Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu


Doplňování jednotlivých kroků v rozsáhlejším postupu.

Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Tenses: mix
Present simple vs. present continuous


Třídění pojmů do kategorií.

Be, have, do
Be, have, do: mix
Verb to be: positive, negative, question
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present simple: I, she, infinitive
Present simple: positive, negative, question
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense: pronunciation (-t, -d, -id)
Past simple tense: ending
Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Nouns and pronouns
Noun gender
Gender: he, she, it
Plural nouns: mix
Plural S pronunciation (-s, -z, -iz)
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time  
Zobrazit souhrn tématu
Parts of speech
Parts of speech: mix

Anglické vtipy

V každém vtipu chybí několik slov a vaším úkolem je doplnit ta správná slova z připraveného výběru.

Tenses basic

Tenses advanced

Tenses hard


Závody na rychlost proti robotům. Jednoduché ovládání výběrem ze dvou možností.

      Be, have, do
           Be, have, do: mix Spustit
           Talking about the present
                Present simple tense Spustit
           Talking about the past
                Talking about the past: mix
                               Past simple tense: mixSpustit
           Tenses: mix
                     Big tenses mixSpustit
      Nouns and pronouns
                Plural nouns: mix Spustit
                Possessive pronouns Spustit
      Articles and quantity
                Articles: mix Spustit
                Few, less, little, much, many Spustit
                Quantity: mix Spustit
      Adjectives and adverbs
           Adjectives and adverbs: mix Spustit
      Prepositions and conjunctions
           Prepositions of place Spustit
           Prepositions and conjunctions: mix Spustit
           Modal verbs
                Can vs. could Spustit
                Must, have to, can Spustit
                Modal verbs: mix Spustit


Hra na rychlost: řadíte padající slova do správných pozic.

      Be, have, do
           Be, have, do: mix Spustit
           Talking about the present
                Present simple tense Spustit
                               Present simple: positive - negative - questionSpustit
           Talking about the past
                Past simple tense (regular verbs) Spustit
                               Past simple tense - pronunciation: t - d - idSpustit
                Past simple tense (irregular verbs) Spustit
      Nouns and pronouns
                Noun gender Spustit
                Plural nouns: mix
                               Plural S pronunciation: s - z - izSpustit
      Adjectives and adverbs
           Adjectives: comparative and superlative
                Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative Spustit
           Adverbs: comparative and superlative
                Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative Spustit
      Prepositions and conjunctions
           Prepositions and conjunctions: mix Spustit
           Parts of speech
                Parts of speech: mix Spustit

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