Stavba vět – 1. střední škola

V tomto cvičení je úkolem poskládat připravená slovíčka do správného pořadí.

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Anglická slovíčka

Slovíčka: slovesa
Frázová slovesa
Frázová slovesa: mix
Reálie a praktická angličtina
Přísloví a pořekadla
Anglické idiomy
Citáty v angličtině


Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Talking about the present
Present continuous  
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Present tense: questions  
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Present continuous tense: questions
Present tense: negatives  
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Present continuous tense: negatives
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives  
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Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past perfect  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Will vs. going to  
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Nouns and pronouns
Reflexive pronouns  
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Articles and quantity
Another, other, either, neither, each
Adjectives and adverbs
Position of adverbs in sentences  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of place  
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Modal verbs
Can vs. could  
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Must, have to, can  
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Verb patterns
Infinitive clauses  
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Make vs. let  
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Have something done  
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Used to  
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Questions, question words, short answers
Wh- question
Question tags
Questions: mix
Shopping questions
Restaurant questions
Facts about the world (questions)
Passive voice  
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Reported speech

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