Stavba vět – 5. třída (5. ročník)

V tomto cvičení je úkolem poskládat připravená slovíčka do správného pořadí.

Filtr podle ročníku


Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Picture description: children (do, have, be)
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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There is, there are  
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Picture description: there is, there are
Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present tense: questions  
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Questions about animals
Present continuous tense: questions
Present tense: negatives  
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Present continuous tense: negatives
Present continuous  
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Picture description: children
Picture description: sports
Picture description: school
Picture description: people in nature
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Talking about the present: mix
Picture description: animals
Talking about the past
Talking about the past: mix
Pictures from the past
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of place  
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Questions, question words, short answers
Questions: mix
Questions about pictures
Conversation questions

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