- Učitel nebo první hráč založí hru.
- Ostatní hráči se připojí ke hře a správce hry ji odstartuje.
- Společně jako tým odpovídáte na otázky.
- Po každé otázce zjistíte, kolik lidí odpovědělo správně a kolik špatně.
- Učitel nebo jiný žák může vysvětlit ostatním daný jev.
Třída: Vše
Vybrána třída: 7. (široký výběr)
Grammar | ||||||||
Be, have, do | ||||||||
To do, to have, to be in present simple | ||||||||
To do, to have, to be: questions | ||||||||
To do, to have, to be in past simple | ||||||||
Be, have, do: mix | ||||||||
Tenses | ||||||||
Talking about the present | ||||||||
Present simple tense | ||||||||
Present tense: questions | ||||||||
Present simple vs. present continuous | ||||||||
Talking about the present: mix | ||||||||
Talking about the past | ||||||||
Past simple tense (regular verbs) | ||||||||
Past simple tense (irregular verbs) | ||||||||
Past tense: questions | ||||||||
Past continuous tense | ||||||||
Talking about the past: mix | ||||||||
Talking about the future | ||||||||
Future simple tense | ||||||||
Tenses: mix | ||||||||
Past simple vs. past continuous | ||||||||
Present simple vs. present continuous | ||||||||
Nouns and pronouns | ||||||||
Nouns | ||||||||
Plural nouns (irregular) | ||||||||
Pronouns | ||||||||
Possessive pronouns | ||||||||
Pronouns: mix | ||||||||
Articles and quantity | ||||||||
Articles | ||||||||
Zero article | ||||||||
Articles: mix | ||||||||
Quantity | ||||||||
Few, less, little, much, many | ||||||||
Nouns: countable, uncountable | ||||||||
Some, any, no, every | ||||||||
Both, all, whole, every, each | ||||||||
Quantity: mix | ||||||||
Adjectives and adverbs | ||||||||
Adjectives: comparative and superlative | ||||||||
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative | ||||||||
Adverbs: comparative and superlative | ||||||||
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative | ||||||||
Adjectives and adverbs: mix | ||||||||
Prepositions and conjunctions | ||||||||
Prepositions of time | ||||||||
Prepositions of place | ||||||||
Prepositions of direction | ||||||||
Verbs | ||||||||
Modal verbs | ||||||||
Can vs. could | ||||||||
Sentences | ||||||||
Questions, question words, short answers | ||||||||
Wh- question | ||||||||
Question tags | ||||||||
Questions: mix |